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on constitution day

kewal sethi

on constitution day

a great day. 75 years completed

everyone is expected to go ga ga over the achievement.

after all there has been  no need to scrap it. and that is a great feeling.

but doubts remain.

has it served its purpose?

yes, if elections were all that was required. even after the emergency, elections did take place.

despite umpteen number of use of article 356, states have their vidhan sabhas and are functioning.

the preamble has recently been validated once again.

but what does the preamble say. have you noticed or were you too  busy with your day to day problems?

we, the people of india.

saying palestine zindabad after oath taking in lok sabha. saying sar tan se juda. are they people of indian? by residence - yes, by commitment – no. bharat tere tukde hon ge – insha allah . pakistan zindabad because some friends dared to say it. were they with india. no, the heart is elsewhere.


did we forget it in 1991? the supreme court says, it  is a different type of socialism here, not of soviet union or chinese type. so whatever we have, we will call it socialist and be happy. and with each passing day, the definition will change. but we will remain socialist.


here again we will define secularism as we please. this is the definition by the highest court. on the ground, whatever we do is secular. whatever the opponents do is non-secular. but we will remain secular,


justice delayed is justice denied. so is there justice? with 83000 cases in supreme court, lakhs and lakhs in high courts, crores and crores in lower courts. will you call it justice?

but that is legal justice. the preamble does not say anything about forget it. you may get in courts in its own time or you may not. but it is snot violation of constitution.

social justice – clamour for being counted as backward demonstrates what social justice that we have. preserving social distinction is social justice. or, is it?

economic justice – the Gini index says it all. most recent available (2021) says 55 for the rural area.  at least, it is lower than that for urban areas. no wonder, rural people want to come to urban areas.

liberty of thought & expression  

yes, it is there thoughts can be, in any case, uncontrollable.

belief –

you are free to believe anything and also believe that sanatan dharam is a disease. idol worship is ridiculous, holding up traffic to say your prayers is welcome.  you can believe that here is a temple under each and every mask. nothing to deter you from believing it. but stop at believing. nothis beyond that.

expression, belief, faith, and worship

you are free to express yourself, if no one is hearing. only the political leaders can express their feelings of disgust over the leaders of other parties in as foul a language as they please.  you are free to have your  faith and worship, but keep it under the cover, lest it offend some others. if they feel angry, there is no redress.


who said there are 25 lakhs plus vip in india. z+ security is available even to those who are on bail in serious cases. the security personnel stop outside the gates of the jails and wait for the time, the inmate, who is detained within, gets bail.


no dearth of it. reservations are the in thing. they do not negate opportunity because others  do not matter. even one accused of murder, or act of moral turpitude has opportunity to represent people in the highest level.


that is in your hands. keep it, it is not for others to assure your dignity. keep away from them. and think, as long as you please, about dignity of the nation.


all in all, a happy constitution day. may the county celebrate is in danger as so many have been shouting  every day. long live the preamble. we will continue to admire it, define it, interpret it, flout it in our own way, after all it is, “we the people” who have given it to ourselves (never mind 12 percent literacy and in a language which only one percent understood) guided by unrepresentative members of the constituent assembly. long live constitution by the lawyers, of the lawyers, for the lawyers.



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